Friday 4 April 2014

Concept Development Offers

Down below I will upload the photos of 10 concept development offers. Sorry for poor quality, if there are any parts that cannot be seen please let me know so I can upload it again or do it on PC.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Interview and Observation Experiences

First of all I am going to talk about my interviews. I made my first interview with my classmate Umut Onur (21 years old, male, student) -I recorded it and will post it below- to analyse my questions and asking techniques about a person’s waking up experience. By doing this, I came to a conclusion which shows me that our questions are not enough and interview moves spontaneously. This helped me for my later interviews; I asked right questions with right order and took specific information I need easier. Later on, I interviewed with Ayse Bilic who is a 41 years old working woman. This time I was more experienced and she could give me more detailed information, needs and complaints. Also I saw that different people need different approaches about asking questions and people with an age difference have different problems and needs about waking up in the morning. I saw my mistake about the first interview and I tried not to lead Ms. Bilic with my questions so she could give me more objective answers about our product idea. Last of all, I interviewed with my sister Buse who is a 15 years old student. This difference in age and life style of my interviewees helps me to see things from a wide perspective. All my interviewees have some problems about waking up but in a different way and their reactions to a new product have small differences.

After our project is determined; I was trying to observe myself in mornings and to see what kind of problems I have while waking up. Since our project subject has some biases against a beneficial observation video which will not help any more than interviews, I chose not to do it. Instead, I will upload some photos explaining some of those problems.

My first interview

A photo showing how easy is an alarm to stop.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Sound Senser for Deaf People

Like all handicapped people, deaf people also have so many problems just by living in the world which is designed for majority. Especially in crowded cities and environments, there are lots of dangers for a person who cannot hear, and dangers often represent themselves with a sound, usually the sound grows as the dangers get bigger. A simple car horn can be a good example for that.


There should be a sound sensing device which shows the sound level of the environment the person stands. This device should vibrate at high levels of sound in order to warn the person when s/he's walking or does not check the device.

Target Segment

Deaf people.

University Conversation Chart Application


In university, some people may have some problems about being socialized or finding someone who wants to talk about the same thing. There are lots of people, lots of conversations but everything is not suitable for everyone at any time.


In order to solve this, there should be an electronic chart which is connected to smart phones' through an application, at the entrance of the canteens or resting places. Anyone who wants to talk something special that day, can send the topic (politics, big game last night, Sartre's existentialism etc.) and the table number or location instructions to that chart with their phones. People can look for conversations which they want to contribute or listen to.

Target Segment

All universities.

Earphone-Case for Smart Phones


Every person who listen music with earphones have a problem with earphones. They tangle, they got lost etc. Smart phone users, because the phone is too sensitive for falling, also has a secure case problem.


To avoid these problems, there should be a special phone case which has blank parts in it to locate the earphones. This earphone should be made from a safe material in order to save the phone from falling and hits. With the proper blanks, earphone tangling and losting problem can also be avoided.

Target Segment

People who listen music from their phones with earphones.

Smart Bookmark


When a person reads a book, if the book is so long or the reader stops reading for some time, it may be difficult to remember all events and catch the progress. Taking notes is a solution for this but otherwise it is a big problem for the reader to go back find and read again the parts.


To solve this, there should be a book-specialized smart bookmark which activates according to the page number it is placed. It should have some informations about the characters and important event progresses about the book until that page (to avoid the spoilers).

Target Segment

Especially old book readers, people who have memory problems.

Sensor for Device Monitors


Our era is called the technology era for some people. There are lots of electronic devices for us to look at long time like our computers, phones, televisions etc. This opportunity brings some health problems too. People who look these monitors long time may have some eye problems, headaches, eye dryness and so forth, so the staring position to these devices is very important and should be arranged. People who spend hours against these devices usually forget that and face with these problems.


To remind the importance of the position, monitors should have a sensor which alert the user with a light if s/he stays too close to the monitor for some amount of time.

Target Segment

People who have deskwork, people who spend too much time on their electronic devices.